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New Computer Technologies Update

Universal Serial Bus USB

Initial USB was released with USB 1.0 in Year 1996 and USB 1.1 in the Year 1998, made things compact and fast,but during those days many were not aware of USB devices, many devices were coming with serial or parallel connectors.By year 2000 USB became popular and the need arised for USB potentially hence USB was integrated in all the computer devices.
USB 1.0 lacked data transfer speed, Max data throughput transfer were limited and bandwidth up to 12Mbits/s, they didn’t allow for extension cables.The original USB had a very limited distribution. USB version 1.1 fixed those problems found in USB 1.0.

USB 2.0-
Was released in the year 2000. They were having backward compatibility with older devices.
USB version 2.0 added many features that were never before accessible to the USB, including allowing two USB devices to communicate with one another without the use of separate USB hosts.All devices were designed for USB 2.0 Support, many devices were manufactured with USB ports and cables.USB 2.0
has Hi-Speed Data Transfer Upto 480 Mbits/s.

USB 3.0
Was released in the year 2008,Higher transfer rates (up to 4.8Gbps)
Increased maximum bus power and increased device current draw to better accommodate power-hungry devices.New power management features.Full-duplex data transfers and support for new transfer types.New connectors and cables for higher speed data transfer...although they are backwards compatible with USB 2.0 devices and computers.